Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tigers Black def Tassie Devils - 30 to 23

Grrrrrrr Grrrrr another win!!!

What a fab game it was last night against the Tassie Devils. It felt like a pretty close game all the way, and we were actually surprised by the final score of 30 - 23 to the Tigers. What a win!

The first quarter we (Marta) accidentally gave Stacey away to the Golds who were a player short and so we were short one player, but yet again a Londoner stepped up and helped us out. It was a close quarter and the Devils attack was strong, but we felt good and held our own.

In the second quarter Stacey came back to us and this strengthened our brilliant defence team of Liz, Stacey and Cookie. Libby and Kath shared C and WA and formed a strong attack and Marta and Toni were on fire and bringing home the goals. We felt really good, everyone was enjoying the game and the positioning felt right.

The third quarter felt a little tight with the Devils having a run of goals, but Liz and Cookie put their necks on the line a couple of times and did some lovely footwork. We analysed their strategy and put in some techniques to minimise their power and this seemed to work for us nicely.

The final quarter was pure joy. Fantastic defence intercepts by Stacey and Toni put real pressure on the Devils attack and we gelled beautifully in our own attack to bring the ball home. Kath and Libby worked together in a beautiful synchronicity to get the ball down to our goal and the ball seemed to glide into the hoop every time. It was just meant to be!

A special thank you to Rhino for his encouraging support from the sidelines as our token cheer squad!

Well done Tigers Black on a magnificent win that felt every bit as good as it looked!


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