Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tigers Black def Southerners Gold - 21 to 16

September 29

What an enjoyable and exciting game we had last night against Southerners Gold!

The first quarter started off with a sub from our Londoners friend Heather, as we only 6 players to start! Heather was fab as WD and Lizzy ran wild as Centre. The first quarter ended 5-3 their way, but we felt good and were enjoying the game.

Cat arrived to take over from Heather in the 2nd quarter and the defence trio of Cat, Cookie and Emma were brilliant at keeping the ball away from their goal circle. We were ahead by the end of the second quarter, although don't know by how much as a certain superstitous co-captain didn't want to ruin our run by checking the score!

The beginning of the 3rd quarter saw Prez Lizzie struck down by a mysterious stomach bug, but luckily Joy arrived to step up and continue the magic in WA. Previous body-on-the-line medal winner Kath took on Centre and more than once we feared for her life as she ignored any possible risks to herself and took one for the team. At the end of the 3rd we were up by 3 points (note that co-captain's requests of score anonymity were ignored) and we were all fired up.

This was it, do or die, we were focused and motivated sweatballs and gelling absolutely beautifully as a team. Defence were doing a great job, the attacks were all over the court, Joy doing some amazing twisty things with her body to get the ball, and Lianne and Marta in goal were just getting them in one after another! And the motivational yelling from the co-captains was driving the Southerners nuts!


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